Tag Archives: fall

Running Shrug – D107

2 Oct

I needed a little pick me up today.  With THE COLD last week and the pinocchio run yesterday I was feeling down on running, on exercise in general and especially on waking up.  It is funny how the world works though.  I spent last night gritching to Husband about how stressed out I was and how crummy my running was because I had to take an entire week off.  You know what he said?

Sure all those things are true but aren’t you excited to try out your new shrug tomorrow?

Why yes, yes I am.  Sure enough my new running shrug was just what I needed!

It happens to be that glorious time of year when the mornings are crisp and the afternoons are warm, when the leaves are still mostly green but the trees are speckled with gold and red.  I absolutely love being outside in the morning when it feels like this.  These brief few weeks are the only ones that make me long for a yard with a porch to over look it.  But alas, the little balcony of my second story condo overlooking the parking lot (that is exactly what I need forty-eight weeks of the year) will have to do.  But instead of lounging with a mug of perfectly brewed coffee and watching the sun come up I hit the trail in my new gear.

I was a little worried it would not keep me warm enough but the ingenious little finger hoodies on each sleeve kept my hands toasty for the first mile then neatly folded back once I warmed up.  The extra layer on my arms and chest was just enough to take the chill off but did not leave me over heated at the end.  I honestly can not say enough good things about this product!  It really put a little extra bounce in my stride cause I felt like such a bad*ss wearing it.  Is that silly or what?  But if you are a non-runner like me then I think you can relate.  It is that moment when you finally feel like maybe, just maybe someone might mistake you for an actual runner!

So thank you, Urban Running Girl, for providing the little pick me up I so desperately needed.  Best running accessory EVER.